Скачать Mac OS X Lion 10.7 [ Client and Server - Developer Preview 2 , v.Build 11A419, 2011 ] без смс |
![]() Название: Mac OS X Lion Developer Preview 2 Год выпуска: 2011 Версия: 10.7 Build (11A419) Разработчик: Apple Inc. Платформа: Intel only Системные требования: Компьютер Macintosh с процессором Intel Язык интерфейса: английский Таблэтка: Не требуется Размер файла: 3.56 GB Mac OS X Lion Developer Preview 2 Seed Note This seed note lists some late breaking issues. More documentation about specific features can be found at the Mac OS X Developer Library, available through . Installation Notes Mac OS X Lion Developer Preview 2 is prerelease software. Do not use this prerelease software in a commercial operating environment or with important data. You should back up all of your data before installing this software and regularly back up data while using the software. You will not be able to upgrade from the Lion Developer Preview 2 to the final Lion release. Mac OS X Lion introduces the Recovery HD, which can take the place of of an installation DVD by providing recovery tools such as Disk Utility. In order to access the Recovery HD, shutdown the computer and hold ⌘-R while booting. The Setup Assistant and Migration Assistant applications can now migrate data from a PC running Windows. You will need to download and run the Migration Assistant application for the PC. This software can be downloaded from the Mac Dev Center website. Known Issues - If running Developer Preview 1, please make sure to install "Mac OS X Lion Developer Preview Update 1" from Software Update (available under the Apple menu) prior to downloading Mac OS X Lion Developer Preview 2. If you do not perform this update, your download will not begin when you redeem the code and the code will no longer function. - The Recovery HD may not be created when installing Lion on a drive with an unsupported partition scheme. - Installation of Mac OS X Lion onto a software RAID volume, or while booted from a software RAID volume, is not currently supported.Attempting to do so may render the volume non-bootable.Software RAIDs can still be used as data volumes. - Network migrations are only supported from Mac OS X v10.6.6 with the Migration Assistant compatibility update installed. - If you intend to migrate a user with FileVault enabled from another system, make sure the user is logged out on the source system before you begin. - Thunderbolt devices are not fully supported. - Videos purchased from the iTunes Store will not play on Early 2011 MacBook Pro models. - Screenshots may be black on Macs with integrated graphics. - If you get a warning that 'FaceTime does not support video calls' when using FaceTime, please quit and re-open the application. - iPhoto 9 crashes when trying to create a book, card, or calendar from an event or album, and when clicking a photo's info button. - Users with NTFS volumes (such as BootCamp) may experience a panic when rebooting or shutting down. To work around the issue, unmount the volume before rebooting or shutting down. Known Issues with Lion Server - An Open Directory Master is no longer created by default during Setup Assistant.It can be created after setup in the Server application or in Server Admin. - Safari is currently the only supported browser for use with Wiki Server or Profile Manager. - Use of local or caching Software Update servers may cause installation problems for Lion Server. - Profile Manager does not currently allow for pushed configuration profiles to be locked, including the profile containing the MDM payload. - All users must have an email address when using shared calendars with iCal Server. - New sharepoints will not inherit group permissions. You must manually change the permissions. - To remotely administer Lion Server from a client, download the Lion Server application from the Mac App Store. After download, select "Connect to Server..." from the Manage menu.Only click "Continue" on the "Welcome to Server" window if you wish to install server services on the machine you are running the Server application from. - Installing the Server Admin Tools package on non-Lion systems is not supported. - Podcast Producer Server is not supported in this release of Lion. - NetBoot/NetRestore from install source is not supported in this release. - Booting into a NetRestore is not supported in this release. Bug Reporting This build is being provided to you for testing and development purposes. Should you encounter any problems, please submit a bug report using the online Bug Reporter at . Please make sure to include "10.7 (11A419)" in the bug title and description. This information will ensure that your bug is processed quickly. When submitting a bug report, please make sure to include a Summary, Steps to Reproduce, Actual Results, Expected Results, the System Profile Report, and any other relevant information that is necessary to process the report. IMPORTANT: Engineering requires additional information for crashing bugs, kernel panics, and hangs. Crashing Bugs: Crash logs are required for crashing bugs. Crash logs can be located in ~/Library/Logs/CrashReporter Kernel Panics: Backtraces, which contain vital information for investigating kernel panics, are required for kernel panic issues. Backtraces can be saved to NVRAM on restart/shutdown, then copied to a panic log file on restart. This log file will be located at /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports Hangs: When an application is hung, a sample should be provided. This can be done using the Activity Monitor (/Applications/Utilities/). To generate a sample using this utility, click on the hung application's name, then from the View menu select "Sample Process". For complete instructions on submitting bug reports, please visit the Bug Reporting page at . Thank you for your support. Apple Developer Connection Auto-Submission of Diagnostic and Usage Data By default, Lion seed builds automatically send anonymous diagnostic and usage data back to Apple. This includes information about crashes, freezes, kernel panics, and information about how you use Apple and third-party software, hardware, and services. This information is used to help Apple improve the quality and performance of its products and services. If necessary, this setting can be disabled in the Privacy tab in the Security & Privacy preference pane. Legal Notices The software identified above is Apple Confidential Information and your use of such software is subject to the Apple Developer Connection Programs Terms and Conditions, including the Prototype License and Confidentiality Agreement attached thereto. Distributing the software to anyone other than an ADC member who is working for the same entity as you is considered a violation of your agreement with Apple and is damaging to both Apple and those who develop for the Apple platform. We sincerely appreciate your efforts to keep this software Confidential. You agree that you will not export or reexport any of the software or Confidential Information received from Apple (a) into (or to a national or resident of) any U.S. embargoed countries (currently, Cuba, Iran, Libya, North Korea, Sudan, or Syria) without first obtaining proper authorization from the U.S. Government; or (b) to anyone on the U.S. Treasury Department's list of Specially Designated Nationals or the U.S. Department of Commerce Denied Person's List or Entity List.You also agree that you will not use said software for any purposes where prohibited by United States law, including, without limitation, the development, design, manufacture or production of nuclear, missile, chemical or biological weapons. Cкaчaть XLget.com:Скачать одним файлом. Cкaчaть LetItBit.net: Cкaчaть Sms4file.com:Скачать одним файлом. Cкaчaть FileSonic.com: |
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КОММЕНТАРИИ к Mac OS X Lion 10.7 [ Client and Server - Developer Preview 2 , v.Build 11A419, 2011 ] "ВКОНТАКТЕ API"
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