Скачать Printer's Apprentice v8.1.0005 без смс |
![]() Printer's Apprentice — отличный менеджер шрифтов для операционных систем Windows. Если вы являетесь художником, профессиональным публицистом или просто программным энтузиастом, и у вас на компьютере имеется большое количество разнообразных шрифтов, то данная программа поможет вам в организации вашей коллекции. Printer's Apprentice поддерживает работу с шрифтами форматов TrueType, Adobe Type и OpenType. с помощью этой утилиты вы сможете просматривать, сравнивать и выводить на печать ваши шрифты, установленные в системе. Также программа позволяет просматривать шрифты в указанных директориях, которые еще не установлены в систему, но хранятся на жестком диске — для этого в программу встроен браузер для просмотра шрифтов из указанного хранилища. Вы можете устанавливать и удалять шрифты намного быстрее, проще и удобнее с данной программой, чем это делаете через панель управления. Основные возможности: • Понятный интерфейс программы для быстрого просмотра установленных шрифтов или не установленных шрифтов на любом носителе • Поддержка форматов TrueType, Adobe Type и OpenType • Панель инструментов обеспечивает быстрый и удобный доступ к часто используемым функциями • Просмотр шрифтов в разнообразных ракурсах (один символ, набор символов, набранный текст и т.д.) • Сравнение нескольких шрифтов в одном окне • Настройка размера шрифтов в окне браузера при их просмотре • Отображение набора шрифтов в сетке 2x2, 3x3, 4x4, 5x5, 6x6, 7x7, 8x8, 9x9 или 10x10 размеров • Просмотр детальной информации о шрифтах (формат, место на диске, размер, версия, автор и т.д.) • Использование быстрых функций установки и удаления шрифтов • Организация ваших шрифтов с помощью их сортировки по группам • Легкое и быстрое удаление групп шрифтов за несколько щелчков мышью • Печать таблиц или каталогов шрифтов на принтере Printers Apprentice is a fantastic font manager for Windows. Whether you are a graphic artist, a publishing professional or a software enthusiast, if you have a lot of fonts, Printer's Apprentice will help you organize your collection. Font browsing, previewing and printing works with TrueType, Adobe Type, and OpenType fonts. Font browsing and preview functions let you see and print fonts from any storage device without copying or installing files. You can look at every character of each font, see how fonts look in a paragraph, find symbol characters on the keyboard, and more! Intelligent font install and uninstall tools let you manage fonts with more options than the Windows Control Panel. Features: • Familiar Windows Explorer-style interface for quickly viewing installed fonts or browsing uninstalled font files on any media • "Preview without installing fonts" function supports TrueType, Adobe Type 1 and OpenType fonts • Toolbar provides fast and convenient access to frequently used features • Many dialogs have been redesigned so fewer steps are required to complete common tasks • Single character, character set, sample text and keyboard views are all integrated into the main interface via tabs across the top • Character set display can be displayed using a grid in a 2x2, 3x3, 4x4, 5x5, 6x6, 7x7, 8x8, 9x9 or 10x10 configuration • Keyboard display shows you where symbol and dingbat characters are on a standard PC keyboard • Easily examine copyright and other information embedded in font files • Compare Fonts tab shows you multiple fonts at once using your own sample text • Use the Install and Uninstall features to quickly manage the TrueType, Adobe Type 1 and OpenType fonts on your system. No rebooting is needed • Any number of fonts can be installed or uninstalled at once • Uninstalled fonts can be previewed, printed and installed from any media including external drives, CDR, flash drives, floppies, etc • Uninstall functions removes fonts from Windows, deletes font-related Registry entries and can optionally move font files to another location for backup • Organize your TrueType, Adobe Type 1 and OpenType font files any way you like by sorting them into folder-based groups • Font group list is integrated into the main Printer's Apprentice window for easy browsing • Font groups are managed and navigated using the standard Windows Explorer style tree interface • Easily install and remove entire font groups with a few mouse clicks • Fonts stored in groups can be viewed and printed just like installed fonts • All printed catalogs and sample sheets are available for font groups • Easily print many sample sheets or catalogs for multiple fonts at once • Customizable sample text, headers and footers • Font catalogs print multiple fonts per page with customized point sizes • Font file name, path location and KB size are optionally printed for each font 01/05/10 Printer's Apprentice 8.1.0005: • Printer's Apprentice 8.1 works great with Windows 7. There are many cosmetic enhancments in the application for better integration with both Windows 7 and Vista. • Printer's Apprentice now queries the system to determine the correct font used for drawing dialog boxes. This font is then used to render the various screens in Printer's Apprentice. In most cases this is Segoe UI. • New Menus & Colors tab on the Options dialog. On this screen you can change menu, toolbar & icon styles. You can also change the color of the accent bars used across the top of the main screen. • Font Files and Font Groups tabs use a new tree control. This should eliminate the "object not set" errors that could pop up with the old control. The old control, exptreelib.dll & .pdb, will be replaced with the new logicnp.folderview.dll when you run the Printer's Apprentice setup program. • Added a "Make New Folder" button to the Copy / Move Font to Folder dialog box. • Added a "Make New Group" button to the Copy / Move Font to Font Group dialog box. • Fixed a bug with installing Type 1 fonts. If the registry key SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionType 1 InstallerType 1 Fonts did not exist, then the install would fail. • When installing multiple fonts, and one or more of them is already installed, a dialog box would popup showing you the number to be installed and the number already installed. This now uses a message box with Yes/No buttons instead of just OK. • Fixed a bug in the OpenType font reading routines. Some fonts were being ignored if they had invalid strings in the OTF NAME table. • When no font is selected, the Character Set and Keyboard tabs no longer display a font. This is more consistent with the behavior of other tabs. • Fonts that are in use, locked by Windows or protected by file permissions often cannot be uninstalled. Additional text has been added to the "0 Fonts were uninstalled" message box explaining why fonts can't be uninstalled. ![]() OC: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7 Интерфейс: English Размер файла: 5.98 MB Лекарство: есть Скачать Printer's Apprentice v8.1.0005: Letitbit: Extabit: Depositfiles: Rapidshare: http://rapidshare.com/files/332174331/PA810005En.rar Добавлена информация на восcтановление 3% |
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